Sunday, July 18, 2010

It don't feel right (II)

Thank you Jim Carey
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
My brain ain't no whiteboard
Memories aren't written in dry erase marker
and if they were
I wouldn't just erase them
Untag myself in them
Because they make me happy
Even if
The person in them makes me mad
for doing that
But I see why you still love her too
and like you
I understand why she did it
no need to face, what you can erase
---It's all a big mess---
I don't remember your ending
but I think it was like the beginning
I guess that means you'd do it again
I would too
An aside:
Agent orange
the color of her hair
asked her, her name
Clementine- not an orange
don't make fun of it
"Oh my darling"
So I wondered what's in a name
I c tarnish
T(he) arch sin
I like irony

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