Sunday, January 19, 2014


Sometimes I need to separate myself from others while I feel out my own beliefs. The noise of another's consciousness is loud and intruding, and too often, if I am receiving information I am too often filtering it through both my lens and theirs. It takes too much brain capacity to give both thoughts a fair hearing and in the process I give neither a fair chance or the justice of full reflection. Ideas needs room to bounce around, build connections with other thoughts and become fully rooted, dismissed or held in a waiting area for further examination. If they are crowded out by the constant comparison and dual evaluation, I also don't have time to examine them as deeply. I don't have the time hold it in my hands, to touch it, to feels its weight, texture and it's top bottom and sides. I need to treat them with the kindness and acceptance I would offer a potential new friend and not the skepticism and apprehension of an intruder.

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