Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I went to Bonnaroo this past week and spent the days preceding it with friends who visited from out of town. I didn't sleep much while they were here and I slept even less while I was at the festival.

I left Sunday afternoon and rolled back into town Monday morning half falling asleep behind the wheel. Ordinarily I wouldn't want to be this tired but this week I interesting effect of my lack of sleep was that my brain sort of shut off all the outside noises. Oddly, this mental fog ended up helping me to be more clear in my presentation to others. Ordinarily I am trying to jump several steps ahead of people but for the past few days I have been able to pause before I speak, organize my thoughts, and generally catch myself before I put my foot in my mouth. Interestingly as the days have passed and I got more rest, I noticed this ability dissipated. Just something I wanted to note...

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