I somewhat impulsively decided to run a marathon tomorrow. Here is my checklist:
1) coolmax wicking socks, underwear, shorts and shirt
2) $20 for emergencies - or snacks :)
3) iPod nano and headphones
4) ibuprophen for after race (aspirin before and during)
5) chapstick
6) eye drops
7) body glide to stop skin abrasion
8) bandaid for my always sensitive nipples
9) TP just bc this is one time it matters
10) race number
which reminds me I forgot my sunglasses.... And a trashbag to stay warm early on (and in case it rains)
Here's to hoping I can actually push through the cold and pain and finish tomorrow. Kind of annoyed it's a 13.1 mile loop and not a true 26.2 mile course. That will kill my motivation a good bit towards the end. The nice thing is it starts a block from my office and comes almost that close to my house, later in the course - I thought that was kind of nice. I like how my memories are starting to get entertwined.
I was pretty nervous about it Thursday and I meditated during lunch. It was kind of surprising to me as I started to isolate the cause of the anxiety. I am not sure where it originated, but as I slowly drifted into a deeper phase of meditation I distinctly heard a voice that said "I don't want to do this. Im scared. This is really going to hurt." The strange thing was, as soon as i acknowledged it, it melted away and just as quickly, my anxiety was transformed into resolve. That is the second time I have had a meditative experience like that.
Well, I'm about to go load up on empty carbs and get a good night's rest as soon as the Quaker couchsurfer gets here.
Wish me luck!
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